Wednesday, March 2, 2016


So I started a blog.

I guess I'm a little late to the party. Is starting a blog still a cool thing to do in 2016?
Who knows.

All I know is that I've been having a lot of thoughts lately. A lot of inspiration running though my head, and I need to get it out. Share it with others. My iPhone keeps telling me that I'm almost out of storage, and since I'm totally anal about clearing photos off my phone and organizing them on my computer, and don't keep a lot of music on my phone, the main culprit is most likely my "Notes". I write more lists in that app than anyone I know, more than is probably healthy. Some examples would be:

+ To Do Lists
+ Things To Buy
+ Books I Want to Read
+ Books I've Read
+ Movies To Watch
+ Music To Download
+ Crafts To Complete
+ Places I Want to Travel
+ Small Business Ideas
+ "Journal" Entries From Trips And/Or Day To Day Life
+ Various Goals
+ Name Ideas For Future Children

... and so many others. You name it, I've written a list about it. I guess you could say I'm a little list obsessed, but I'm a firm believer in writing things down and having goals and checklists... It's the only way I get anything done. While I prefer traditional pen and paper, my iPhone is always with me, and the Notes app has become my bff.

Recently, in addition to the above lists I mentioned, I started writing out blog ideas. I have no idea why... Things just kept popping into my head that I thought would make good blog topics, and I just kept jotting them down. This usually occurred around 3am, when I was lying in bed, unable to sleep because my mind way just too full of ideas. I finally decided to do something about it (and hopefully clear off some valuable iPhone space while I'm at it), so here we are.

I find a lot of inspiration in various blogs. Whether it's something I found through Pinterest, a link posted by someone I love following on Instagram, the personal blog of a friend or family member, or a few of the lifestyle blogs I've followed for years (Little Baby Garvin, Natalie Creates, and Simple At That are a few of my favorites), I love hearing people's stories. I love seeing bits of people's lives, whether that's through beautiful home decor, smart organizational tips, tasty new recipes, various crafts, travels to exotic places, or gorgeous photography...
I love it all.

And that's what I hope to bring to this space. To my little corner of the Internet.
Things to hopefully inspire others as others have inspired me.
Please come along and join me as I start this new journey!


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