Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Cleaning Schedule

I’m admittedly a bit of a clean freak.

Maybe that’s an understatement - I’m a total clean freak. In addition to being totally neurotic about organization (see my last post), cleanliness is a big thing for me. If our home is out of order or unclean, it drives me a little nuts. Like all of a sudden mopping my kitchen floors at midnight because I just can’t sleep until it’s done nuts. 

It’s a little exhausting.

But it’s my reality. So instead of continually driving myself crazy over it, I went on a mission to find some tips to make keeping a clean house a little more manageable.

While researching various cleaning/organizational “tips”, “tricks” or “programs”, I came across various schools of thought. The first one I tried back when we were newlyweds living in our first house stated you should clean one room or one type of room each night. For example, Monday you’d clean the living room, Tuesday you’d clean the bathrooms, Wednesday you’d clean the master bedroom, etc. I tried this for a while, but eventually it started to drive me insane because you’d have to get all the cleaning products every single day. Too much of a hassle. So I transitioned to another idea I read that said you should do one type of cleaning each night. For example, clean all wood on Monday, do all vacuuming on Tuesday, etc. Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Instead of getting all of my cleaning supplies out every single night, I just grab the one thing I need for that day, and take 15-20 minutes to go around the house and complete the task. This method works for our household, and it’s what we try to stick to. Obviously, it’s not always perfect. If we have commitments in the evenings, there are nights when nothing gets done. Or if we’re having company, we may have to jump ahead of the schedule and do extra before our guests come. Some weeks nothing gets done, and that’s okay. We’ve found that we can definitely just do our full cleaning routine every other week and still maintain a clean home.

So here’s the schedule that we’ve adopted. By posting this, I hope that I can inspire at least one person to include maybe one or two of these ideas into their daily or weekly routine. Life is busy, our calendars are full, and things get missed. That’s okay, but don’t you think you deserve for your home to be a retreat for you to come home to at the end of a long day? Our homes are our biggest investments and where we spend so much of our time, so they should bring us happiness, not stress. I promise that one or two simple changes will make a big difference.

Here’s our cleaning schedule:

In addition to the cleaning “task” of the day, there are a handful of normal daily routines that I complete just to keep everything looking good on a day-to-day basis and help keep our life a little more manageable. Here there are:

I promise that if you at least adopt at least one or two of these daily tasks into your everyday routine, you'll notice a big difference in your home. 

Do you have a specific cleaning routine or method of staying on top of housework? I’d love to hear it!

Happy cleaning!


  1. Finally found time to read this post you referenced when I was seeking help with a cleaning routine. Going to give it a try! I'll let you know how it goes!

  2. I loved the title of your blog, and I would have to agree, that hot messes are easier to deal with when they are organized. Cleaning house is a matter of personal choice, and some choose not to achieve standards of cleanliness. The main problem with keeping a house clean is that it refuses to stay clean.

    Bo Tolbert @ HJS Supply Co.
