Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Current Faves, Part Two

Back in March, I posted my first "current faves" post, highlighting a few of the things I was loving at the moment. I've always enjoyed hearing about products or services that people I know (or other bloggers I follow) are using and loving, so I figured I'd make a point on here to semi-regularly share about the things I'm currently obsessed with. So here we are with round two!

Recently I went on a major Amazon binge. There were a few movies and books that I wanted, as well as a few other things on my Amazon "Wish List" that I planned on purchasing... And then I just went a little crazy and ordered a few more items just because. No regrets, though; It was a great use of some of the money I received for my birthday. Here are a few of the things from that order that I absolutely love and feel like I need to share. 

Guys, this candle is everything. It's incredible. The smell of it burning makes me want to be a better person. It's the candle they burn constantly in all Anthropologie stores... You know how that store always smells amazing? This is the reason why. I've looked at the candles there, but always thought they were a bit overpriced. When I saw this cute little travel tin version for less than $15, I knew I had to try it out. Now I feel like I'll never be able to burn another candle ever again. I already scoped out the larger version, which you can conveniently order in a two pack at a better price point. You better believe I'll be adding that to my cart next time I place an Amazon order!

I've always had a thing for facial masks. I remember sneaking into the cabinet in my parent's bathroom as a kid and stealing some of this gel-like citrus mask that my mom always had. You would smear it on, let it sit for 10 minutes, and then peel it off in one single sheet. It was awesome. It had been a while since I'd bought a mask, but I somehow ended up browsing them when I fell down the Amazon rabbit hole. This Dead Sea mask had almost 8,000 good reviews and was the #1 best seller of all facial masks, so I figured it had to be good. I tried it out tonight, and it definitely did not disappoint. It's a dark charcoal color, so you look totally attractive while you're wearing it, but it smells really nice and my skin felt incredible afterwards. After fifteen minutes, my face felt smooth and soft, and I swear the my pores looked smaller. I did read several reviews where people said their pores shrunk after just one use, so I guess I wasn't totally imaging it. Anyway, if you're into facial masks and are looking to try out one that's really good, I'd definitely recommend this one. 

Back around Christmas, Matt and I met up with a bunch of friends at a coffee shop down in Lancaster, and my tea was served in this contraption. I had no idea how it worked, but once I figured out that you had to place it on top of your cup and then the tea comes out the bottom, I did that. Then I realized the tea had barely steeped at all, so I had to do it all over again. Then I was hooked. It's seriously a fun way to make tea, and I love that you don't have to shove loose tea into a little tea strainer thing. You just dump it in, let it steep, then put it on top of your mug which triggers the tea to come out of the bottom into your cup. Matt got it for me for my birthday, and I've used it countless times over the last couple of weeks. It doesn't get old. If you like tea and want to venture more into the world of loose tea instead of regular tea bags, it's a really fun gadget to add to your stash. 

Ready for a total wildcard? Yep, I bought molds to make popsicles. I'm not really sure why, but I did. (Amazon can be a dangerous place.) I love popsicles, and I've seen a few recipes on Pinterest for making your own, so I figured I'd go for it. During the warmer months I'm usually pretty obsessed with those Outshine Fruit Bars and Yogurt Bars that you can find in most grocery stores. While this brand is pretty harmless and generally uses wholesome, natural ingredients, I figured it's still better to make your own from scratch. While I haven't yet tried out these molds yet, I'm so excited to do so. Here are a few of the recipes I'm most anxious to try: Strawberry Pineapple Popsicles, Peach Yogurt Popsicles, and Raspberry-Pineapple Chia Seeds Popsicles. Yum!

5.) Basically Everything from Pure Suds Co., but especially this Shea Butter Whip Lotion

This last one is not Amazon-related, but I feel like I have to share. If you're friends with me on Facebook, you may have already seen my picture and long rant about my love for this small business. This past Christmas, one of my bosses at one of the nursing homes I work at bought everyone in the therapy department a small container of whipped shea butter lotion and an exfoliating bar of soap with a loofah built right into it from this company. From the moment I tried both of those products, I was in love. I rationed the whipped shea butter for months and months, and finally had to go to the store to buy some more. While there, I went a little crazy and basically bought one of everything they had. The store owner, Jess, was awesome and took a ton of time to tell me about all of the products and how she makes everything. I've never in my life been someone who likes to take baths, but I bought a bunch of bath products (bath bombs, bath "tea", etc.), and am now totally inspired to take baths. Using these organic products basically make me feel like a brand new woman. The Organic Mandarin-Blood Orange Shea Butter Whip pictured above smells like pure heaven, and is possibly the best hand lotion I have ever used. I love supporting small business and the business owners who work so hard at what they do, so if you're ever in the Scranton area, you should definitely check them out. If not, you can order right from their website. I promise you won't be disappointed!

So anyway, that's some of the stuff that I'm currently obsessed with. I'd love to hear from you guys what you're currently loving!


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Snail Mail

I'm a huge proponent of snail mail. I mean, who doesn't love being greeted with a handwritten card tucked in among the standard junk mail and bills that usually fill our mailboxes? In this day and age of digital everything, I think there is something so special about this simple act of letter writing. I absolutely love sending mail. I'm a total stationary snob, and I probably spend more money on cards and stationary and stamps in one year than I do on shoes. 1Canoe2, Rifle Paper Co., and Emily McDowell are three of my all time favorite companies for everything paper-related and beyond (including but not limited to cards, planners, notepads, phone cases, meal planners, recipe boxes/cards, etc.), and 1Canoe2's annual 50% off sale (which occurs for one hour only on Black Friday) is right up there with Christmas as my favorite holiday.

But anyway, cards. I love them. I always have. I love receiving them, and I love sending them. For a long time, I saved every single birthday card I ever received. Really... every. single. one. I finally went through and purged a large number of them, but still save any card I deem even remotely sentimental.

A few years back I decided I wanted to send out birthday cards to all of our close friends and family members. I set out to gather all the necessary birthdates, and made myself a little spreadsheet (nerd). A few days before a new month begins, I check out all of the birthdays coming up in the following month, and I spend time picking out a card for each person from my stash. I then fill them out, address and stamp them, and write the birthdate on the back of the envelope so I know when to stick each card in the mail. This simple act, which usually takes me maybe 30 to 45 minutes each month, has become one of my favorite rituals. Once I send them out, it really doesn't matter to me if the person thanks me for the card or never says a word about it... I just like the gesture of letting our loved ones know that we were thinking of them and remembering them on their birthday.

In addition to my monthly birthday card routine, I try to send out a few cards each month to people just to say "hi". I found these notecard sets in the dollar bins at Target recently... how am I supposed to say no to cute little sets of eight notecards for $1 each?!

So anyway, my challenge for you this month would be to write three letters to three different people. They don't have to be long - just buy a card or a postcard or even stick a piece of scrap paper into an envelope and send it. Reach out to a friend you haven't seen in a while, a grandparent, or whoever. I guarantee it will bring a smile to their face.

Happy writing!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Vintage Camper Dreamin'

You guys, I have a new obsession. An obsession with tiny, adorable, totally refurbished vintage campers. I mean, how cute are these little guys??

I've been really into the whole "tiny house movement" lately. And by that, I mean I DVR every tiny house show HGTV produces, and I'm totally glued to the television every time I watch one. While I know my husband and I will never live in a tiny house full time (this scenario could only end in Matt and I killing one other due to lack of personal space, and/or me freaking out because I'd have to get rid of my obscene amount of Christmas decorations, and/or me in tears because we could no longer host dinner parties or have people stay at our house for weekend visits), I still love the concept. I try to live a fairly simple life without a lot of "stuff", and the sleek, simplified, and compact design of most tiny houses just about makes me giddy.

When you combine my fascination in tiny houses with my love for camping and my love of great design, it's not shock that I'm totally enamored with these mini campers. While I've always been adamant about the fact that I prefer tent camping, I'm starting to see the benefits of a little camper. (I am, however, still firmly against mega RVs. If you pull into the campground in a deluxe motorhome that has all the modern conveniences of home and costs almost as much as my first house, it that really camping? I think not.) I can totally envision Matt and I taking one of these beauties on weekend trips to local state parks, as well as on longer trips around the US.

So, until the day that I actually get my hands on one of these adorable vintage campers, I'm just going to continue gazing lovingly at these pictures, daydreaming about the day we're traveling around America in our own mini slice of paradise. 


[P.S. Sources for all of the campers above are pinned in my Camping board on Pinterest.]

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Thoughts from an Almost 29 Year Old

I was up late working on a few rough drafts of other blog posts, when I looked up at the time and realized it was past midnight. It was officially May 1st. May is, without a doubt, my favorite month. Besides being my birth month, it's just such a glorious time of year. A month full of beauty, optimism, anticipation. It's spring! The trees and flowers are blooming! It's warm! The days are getting longer! School's almost out! Summer is right around the corner! The countdown to the beach begins. While I absolutely adore the cool, crisp, beautiful days of fall, there is just so much hope in these spring days.

This month, I'll turn 29. The last year of my 20s. Everyone (at least in my experience) responds to people's fears of turning the big 3-0 by stating that your 30s are the best decade, way better than your 20s. You're finally comfortable in your own skin. The rough transitions and decisions of your 20s - graduating college, searching for jobs and navigating your career field, finding love or having your heart broken, getting married or staying single, deciding to start a family or not - are to some extent, over. You're finally free to be the person you were meant to be without the pressures and stigmas of what your peers think, what your parents think, or what the world itself thinks. For the most part, you know who you are and who you're going to be. You figure out who your true friends are, and you (hopefully) make enough money to get your finances in order. At least that's they way I interpret it. While I'm totally hopeful that this sentiment will ring true for me (and know that some of it already does), it still makes me a little nervous. I mean, 30 years old? I just struggle with that number.

There is still so much I want to do. Goals I want to accomplish. Places I want to travel. Children I want to have. Life has thrown me some curve balls the last few years, and the major control freak that I am has struggled to adjust the "master plan" that I had planned out for my life. I'm not where I imagined myself to be at 29. I guess that's what I get for naively thinking I can just plan out every detail of my life and have everything fall perfectly into place. Silly me. But while I might sound like I'm being a little dramatic, I fully understand that 30 is not a death sentence. I know that I am not turning 100 and that there is no hope of me reaching my goals. I guess I just need to keep that in mind, and work harder to make my goals a reality. Make my next year of life my best year yet.

So May, give me all you've got. Don't let me down. And 29, bring it on. I'm ready for you.