Monday, May 2, 2016

Vintage Camper Dreamin'

You guys, I have a new obsession. An obsession with tiny, adorable, totally refurbished vintage campers. I mean, how cute are these little guys??

I've been really into the whole "tiny house movement" lately. And by that, I mean I DVR every tiny house show HGTV produces, and I'm totally glued to the television every time I watch one. While I know my husband and I will never live in a tiny house full time (this scenario could only end in Matt and I killing one other due to lack of personal space, and/or me freaking out because I'd have to get rid of my obscene amount of Christmas decorations, and/or me in tears because we could no longer host dinner parties or have people stay at our house for weekend visits), I still love the concept. I try to live a fairly simple life without a lot of "stuff", and the sleek, simplified, and compact design of most tiny houses just about makes me giddy.

When you combine my fascination in tiny houses with my love for camping and my love of great design, it's not shock that I'm totally enamored with these mini campers. While I've always been adamant about the fact that I prefer tent camping, I'm starting to see the benefits of a little camper. (I am, however, still firmly against mega RVs. If you pull into the campground in a deluxe motorhome that has all the modern conveniences of home and costs almost as much as my first house, it that really camping? I think not.) I can totally envision Matt and I taking one of these beauties on weekend trips to local state parks, as well as on longer trips around the US.

So, until the day that I actually get my hands on one of these adorable vintage campers, I'm just going to continue gazing lovingly at these pictures, daydreaming about the day we're traveling around America in our own mini slice of paradise. 


[P.S. Sources for all of the campers above are pinned in my Camping board on Pinterest.]


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    1. Whoops, don't use the mobile site unless you're on your phone. But you get the point.
