Sunday, May 1, 2016

Thoughts from an Almost 29 Year Old

I was up late working on a few rough drafts of other blog posts, when I looked up at the time and realized it was past midnight. It was officially May 1st. May is, without a doubt, my favorite month. Besides being my birth month, it's just such a glorious time of year. A month full of beauty, optimism, anticipation. It's spring! The trees and flowers are blooming! It's warm! The days are getting longer! School's almost out! Summer is right around the corner! The countdown to the beach begins. While I absolutely adore the cool, crisp, beautiful days of fall, there is just so much hope in these spring days.

This month, I'll turn 29. The last year of my 20s. Everyone (at least in my experience) responds to people's fears of turning the big 3-0 by stating that your 30s are the best decade, way better than your 20s. You're finally comfortable in your own skin. The rough transitions and decisions of your 20s - graduating college, searching for jobs and navigating your career field, finding love or having your heart broken, getting married or staying single, deciding to start a family or not - are to some extent, over. You're finally free to be the person you were meant to be without the pressures and stigmas of what your peers think, what your parents think, or what the world itself thinks. For the most part, you know who you are and who you're going to be. You figure out who your true friends are, and you (hopefully) make enough money to get your finances in order. At least that's they way I interpret it. While I'm totally hopeful that this sentiment will ring true for me (and know that some of it already does), it still makes me a little nervous. I mean, 30 years old? I just struggle with that number.

There is still so much I want to do. Goals I want to accomplish. Places I want to travel. Children I want to have. Life has thrown me some curve balls the last few years, and the major control freak that I am has struggled to adjust the "master plan" that I had planned out for my life. I'm not where I imagined myself to be at 29. I guess that's what I get for naively thinking I can just plan out every detail of my life and have everything fall perfectly into place. Silly me. But while I might sound like I'm being a little dramatic, I fully understand that 30 is not a death sentence. I know that I am not turning 100 and that there is no hope of me reaching my goals. I guess I just need to keep that in mind, and work harder to make my goals a reality. Make my next year of life my best year yet.

So May, give me all you've got. Don't let me down. And 29, bring it on. I'm ready for you.


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