Thursday, January 19, 2017

Six Months

Six months ago I opened up and wrote a lengthy post about our struggle with infertility. I was overwhelmed by the amount of people who read our story and reached out to us in person or via calls, texts, Facebook messages, and comments on my post. I was so touched by all the kind words, and found a lot of comfort and hope in hearing stories from family and friends who have gone through a journey similar to our's. Not much has changed in the last six months regarding our situation, aside from the fact that we started seeing a new fertility doctor and he has given us a lot of hope. I have started new medications, and next week I will go for a laparoscopy so that our doctor can go inside and get a better look at a possible issue with one of my Fallopian Tubes. Until then, we continue to be hopeful and ask for prayers and good thoughts that we will one day be able to get pregnant.

While not much has changed in the last six months regarding our pregnancy status, a whole lot of life has definitely happened. I'm feeling renewed and recharged in this new year after a slightly trying 2016. I am hoping to get back into blogging, posting about our life with a bit more regularity. Thanks for sticking with me, friends. I'll post again soon.


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