Saturday, July 16, 2016

Summer Mayhem

The last month and a half has been nuts. Two weeks of vacation in OCNJ, one week of counseling Senior High Adventure here at the Plateau, and working 50ish + hours on the weeks in between. One week of vacay, one week of work. One week of vacay, one week of work. One work of "vacay" (not entirely sure spending a week leading a group of senior highers and getting 3-5 hours of sleep a night while running around non-stop during the day is really considered a vacation, but...), and then back to work. Despite having three out of the last six weeks off of work, it's still been a crazy time and I feel like I haven't been able to get a single thing done. Combine that with the fact that we've had so many visitors over the past two weeks (23 members of my family were here for a weekend, part of Matt's family was here from Indiana this past week, camp friends have been coming and going and occasionally staying in our guest rooms, etc.), I am behind on everything. I never got my July birthday cards done. One of my closest friends had her third baby and I haven't even started the baby quilt. Things are shoved into nearly all of our closets from when I was quickly "cleaning" before our next set of guests arrived. But I wouldn't really trade this busy season for anything. Spending time in Ocean City, NJ with my family is my absolute favorite, and adding a second week with Matt's family for the first time this year was so much fun. This year of Senior High Adventure was one of the best to date; My co-counselor was fantastic, our campers were awesome, and the rest of the SHA "staff" (program director, assistant program director, nurse, and the other counselors) are some of my favorite people to spend a week in the woods with. And I love hosting people and would never pass up on the opportunity to have people visit or come stay at our house. So here's a brief photo recap of the last six weeks. We've packed a lot of fun into all this crazy.

Ocean City, NJ with the Kleins! Super windy and kind of chilly, but still a great week.
Left OCNJ and drove to OCMD to spend the weekend with my girls! Good times. 
BEYONCE CONCERT IN HERSHEY! Totally lost my mind and had the most amazing time. 
The next morning... Post-Beyonce Hangover.
Back to OCNJ with the McCanns! 27 of us. Best week of the year.
Favorite View. 
Running the boardwalk in OCNJ is my fav. Ran 7 miles one day. Considering another half marathon this fall.  
Pocono Plateau's Senior High Adventure 2016! Stony Cove!

2016 Site Olympics Champs!!! 
Some of our visitors the last couple of weeks! Loved having visits from the McCanns, the Andresens/Ryans, and the Franks!
I hope your summer has been just as crazy and just as fun!


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